Welcome to MiscellaneousByDawn
Find Unique Treasures!
MiscellaneousByDawn is a thrift and resale shop in Wellington for Clothes, Furniture, and Accessories and more. We offer both vintage and newer items as well as original photography prints in various sizes to decorate and brighten your home. We also serve as an ideal solution for donating any items you no longer need. Domestic shipping is always free. Contact us today!
Shop with Confidence
Second-Hand In Demand
At MiscellaneousByDawn, our low prices attract customers, but our tasteful products keep you coming back to discover what new surprises we have to offer. We are always on hand to point out new arrivals and to find items within your budget. Our donation policies are straightforward and customer-friendly. We’re here to help you shop and donate!
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in MiscellaneousByDawn. For more information about purchasing our inventory or donating your items, contact us. We look forward to hearing from you and are happy to answer any questions.
Wellington OH United States
(440) 539-0680